This is a great article written by Stephen Covey
We are warned more and more about the threat of identify theft. However, the greater identify theft is our cultural DNA; it’s not someone taking your wallet and using your credit cards—that’s very superficial. It’s about the profound identity threat that comes from people being raised in a comparison-based culture, so they focus more on secondary greatness, to become rich and famous, rather than primary greatness, which deals with character and contribution. This switch to secondary greatness is alluring and occurs throughout cultures of the world—secondary greatness has replaced primary greatness, and, as a result, trust has deteriorated, confidence has gone down, and we’re living with its consequences, as evidenced by the global financial crisis.
So it’s a healthy thing to be humbled by this or any other crisis, to realize that we have to take an inside-out approach in learning to be humble, to focus on integrity and character and on making a contribution, to serve other people, and serve worthwhile causes. How is the crisis affecting you? Are you focusing your efforts on strengthening your primary greatness—your character and ability for contribution? Set a goal to make a difference for someone else at work, at home, in your neighborhood, or community. The more you focus on serving others, the more authentic you will feel; your character strength will grow, you will be build trust, and you will build your worth based on principles versus on the need to gratify our cultural values, which often center on instant gratification and becoming an enviable figure in public. This will help to prevent your identify theft and help you resist your negative cultural DNA.
You are what you believe. Learn to change your life and gain happiness, peace and what ever else you might want.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Feng Shui Your Office
Here are a couple of Feng Shui tips for the office.
Although the name may be unfamiliar to some of us in North America, feng shui (pronounced fung schway) has actually been an important part of Chinese culture for over 3,000 years.
In essence, feng shui is the ancient art of placement and design that’s used to balance and enhance the flow of energy in living environments. Feng shui experts believe that by creating harmony and balance in your physical environment, you’ll attract good luck and prosperity in all areas of your life.
So what does this have to do with the office? By following this age-old practice, you could improve your productivity and career prospects as well as enhance your success, creativity and wealth.
If you Work at Home:
Energy enters from the front door, so you should set up your home office in the front of the house to take advantage of the energy flow. Once energy enters the house, it always flows upwards. This means it’s preferable to be on the entry level or higher instead of in the basement. If your home office is in your bedroom, hide the office area with a screen at night so that you don’t mix energies when you move from work to sleep. If your home office doesn’t have a window, brighten up the room with yellow paint, bright lights and pictures of the outdoors.
If your home office is in the basement, paint the walls and ceilings bright white. Create as much light as possible with bright lighting. Install a fan to get the energy flowing.
If you Work at the Office:
If possible, place your desk in a position that allows you to sit with your back to a wall or corner. This will create a sense of security. If you must sit with your back to a door, hang a mirror in front of you so you can see anyone coming into the room. Avoid placing your desk so that your back is against a window. This position will make you feel as though nothing solid is backing you up. Get rid of the clutter! Reducing clutter will begin to clear away unnecessary items in your life and make room for something new and desirable. Place a medium-sized rug in the center of your office. A deep blue, black or other dark-color rug is like a deep pool of water upon which to rest the eyes and reflect. If you don’t have a view of outside from where you sit, hang a plant or a picture of a plant in your line of view to bring the outdoors inside for a calming effect.
Feng shui is more complex than the suggestions outlined above. However, you can use these tips as a simple introduction to this ancient science. Feng shui will help make your workspace more comfortable and even more enticing. If you feel relaxed and at ease in your workspace, creative energy can flow and your overall productivity will improve. If nothing else, you’ll simply feel better or more positive while working and you’ll reduce the amount of clutter in your workspace.
1. Kirsten M. Lagatree, Feng Shui at Work
Although the name may be unfamiliar to some of us in North America, feng shui (pronounced fung schway) has actually been an important part of Chinese culture for over 3,000 years.
In essence, feng shui is the ancient art of placement and design that’s used to balance and enhance the flow of energy in living environments. Feng shui experts believe that by creating harmony and balance in your physical environment, you’ll attract good luck and prosperity in all areas of your life.
So what does this have to do with the office? By following this age-old practice, you could improve your productivity and career prospects as well as enhance your success, creativity and wealth.
If you Work at Home:
Energy enters from the front door, so you should set up your home office in the front of the house to take advantage of the energy flow. Once energy enters the house, it always flows upwards. This means it’s preferable to be on the entry level or higher instead of in the basement. If your home office is in your bedroom, hide the office area with a screen at night so that you don’t mix energies when you move from work to sleep. If your home office doesn’t have a window, brighten up the room with yellow paint, bright lights and pictures of the outdoors.
If your home office is in the basement, paint the walls and ceilings bright white. Create as much light as possible with bright lighting. Install a fan to get the energy flowing.
If you Work at the Office:
If possible, place your desk in a position that allows you to sit with your back to a wall or corner. This will create a sense of security. If you must sit with your back to a door, hang a mirror in front of you so you can see anyone coming into the room. Avoid placing your desk so that your back is against a window. This position will make you feel as though nothing solid is backing you up. Get rid of the clutter! Reducing clutter will begin to clear away unnecessary items in your life and make room for something new and desirable. Place a medium-sized rug in the center of your office. A deep blue, black or other dark-color rug is like a deep pool of water upon which to rest the eyes and reflect. If you don’t have a view of outside from where you sit, hang a plant or a picture of a plant in your line of view to bring the outdoors inside for a calming effect.
Feng shui is more complex than the suggestions outlined above. However, you can use these tips as a simple introduction to this ancient science. Feng shui will help make your workspace more comfortable and even more enticing. If you feel relaxed and at ease in your workspace, creative energy can flow and your overall productivity will improve. If nothing else, you’ll simply feel better or more positive while working and you’ll reduce the amount of clutter in your workspace.
1. Kirsten M. Lagatree, Feng Shui at Work
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Mother Nature From 400 miles up

A beautiful picture of our planet taken from 400 miles in space.
From afar, this could look like an abstract painting, however this spectacular satellite image is of the dunes of sand and seaweed, sculpted by the ocean currents. The fluted, underwater dunes are formed in much the same way as sand dunes in deserts.
mother nature,
planet earth,
satellite image
Monday, May 19, 2008
Check Out These Videos on Manifesting Life
We all want to know how to manifest our dreams and desires. There are many teachings on the subject. Here is a great place to view some videos on the subject. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you.
There is no limit to how high you can increase your vibration, because there is no limit to the good thoughts you can think, or the good words you can speak, or the acts of kindness that you can do. Other than transforming your own life through lifting your vibration, you lift others' lives too. The positive vibration of your energy emanates out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it. As you rise higher, you take the world with you.
The Secret Team has created a gift for you. This clip features our beautiful Planet Earth. As you experience this clip you will emit positive forces of energy across Planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it. You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.
The magnificent music was composed and graciously gifted for this clip by composer Jo Blankenburg.
From The Secret to you, here is Planet Earth - our home.
There is no limit to how high you can increase your vibration, because there is no limit to the good thoughts you can think, or the good words you can speak, or the acts of kindness that you can do. Other than transforming your own life through lifting your vibration, you lift others' lives too. The positive vibration of your energy emanates out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it. As you rise higher, you take the world with you.
The Secret Team has created a gift for you. This clip features our beautiful Planet Earth. As you experience this clip you will emit positive forces of energy across Planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it. You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.
The magnificent music was composed and graciously gifted for this clip by composer Jo Blankenburg.
From The Secret to you, here is Planet Earth - our home.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
How To Get Where You Want To Go
Here is an article that perhaps you have read at some point in your walk through life. However it never hurts to go back over the basics from time to time.
How to Get Where You Want to Go
by Barry Goss
Here’s some incredibly useful, easy-to-implement-now guidance, from a true genius of the mind and super-achiever, Roy H Williams
It’s called the 7 Step Secret To Success and it has my commentary interspersed throughout the steps.
Enjoy its power…
STEP #1: See your destination in your mind.“When you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”–White Rabbit
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Roy’s first step is all about understanding what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it. Said another way, in two words, “visual intention“, which is the art and practice of emotionalizing the outcome or experience you desire ahead of time… through your 5 senses.
STEP #2: Start Walking.“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” –Lao Tzu (604 BC - 531 BC)
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Ever met a successful achiever who doesn’t connect with people, immerse him/herself into research, study, ask questions, explore areas of interests and engage life? Yeah, me neither. Enough said on this step.
STEP #3: Think Ahead As You Walk.“It’s like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” –E.L. Doctorow
[ Barry’s Comment ]: If you are just taking action toward something, and NOT thinking about it, planning it out, committing to it and believing it can be so, then you might as well be spinning in circles.
The Action Jacksons of the world make one very overlooked mistake: they put so much focus on doing something — anything — that they can’t find the quiet inner awareness to actually think about if what they originally wanted is what they still want… and why they want it.
STEP #4: Don’t Quit Walking.“Don’t wait. Where do you expect to get by waiting? Doing is what teaches you. Doing is what leads to inspiration. Doing is what generates ideas. Nothing else, and nothing less.” –Daniel Quinn
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Some people might interpret step #4 to be in contradiction with what I said about taking a breather above. But, not so. Preparation before action is essential and this is what gets you ready to take the effective (and right) actions that actually help you get what you want; however, it doesn’t mean to just STOP doing things.
What Roy is saying is Step #4 is essentially: keep on keeping on, bucko. Nobody ever would look at ya cross-eyed for not accomplishing your goal, task, or desire after only one walk (action). It’s all about persistence, and I once heard Terri Levine, one of our upcoming LWL Simulcast Teachers, tell some students this: “Failure is the path of least persistence.”
STEP #5: Make No Deadlines.“Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.” –Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BC - 184 BC)“I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.” –Margaret Thatcher, April 4, 1989
[ Barry’s Comment ]: What does this mean? How can you be a tried-and-true goal-setter, dream-achiever, and maestro of manifestation without some milestones to hit or some dates on the calendar to strive for?
Well, I still struggle with this one. Ya know, I gotta little miffed that LWL Coaching wasn’t ready on our March 18th target date then, after a few weeks beyond the due date, it dawned on me that going with the flow of our business, and being in harmony with serving our readers and listeners, is what really matters.
Sure, our Life Without Limits Coaching Program will be ready this year and, now that we’re in the flow with other projects, I’m 100% confident that other resources, people, and features will come along to help make it even more valuable. So, cheers to Roy for telling us to take it easy on ourselves every now and then.
STEP #6: Look back at the progress you made each day.“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning – the sixth day.” –Genesis 1:31
[ Barry’s Comment ]: A little reflective atta-girl or atta-boy self-talk does the soul good
In all seriousness, this is something that I’ll venture to guess 90% of the people reading this post do NOT do (I’m guilty too sometimes). It’s a key component to super-achiever’s results. Assess and reward yourself for a day’s effort. How could it be that you can ever know what tweaks and modifications you need to implement if you first don’t know how far down the road you’ve come? I know for a fact that self-made millionaire, Jill Koenig, talks to Heather about this in her interview.
STEP #7: If evening finds you at the same place you were this morning, take a step before you lay down. “The magic isn’t in the size of your actions, but in the relentlessness of them. It is better to burn the candle at both ends, and in the middle, too, than to put it away in the closet and let the mice eat it.” –Henry Van Dyke
Never let a day pass without making, at the very least, a tiny bit of progress. Do NOT tell yourself you’ll make up for it tomorrow. (That seductive lie is the kiss of death.) Make a phone call. Lick a stamp. Correct a misspelled word. Something. Anything.
You realize I’m talking about business, not hiking, right?
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Yes, why, yes we do, Roy… and we totally dig your enthusiasm, and cut-to-the-chase steps for success. They’re brilliant, and if there’s anything that I do get queasy over consistently, it’s this: not accomplishing accomplishment on a daily basis.
John Milton Fogg introduced the concept to me over 10 years ago, and it’s something that, to me, if we all strived to do, the world would be in a better place for the effort.
Here are the three ingredients that must be present to accomplish accomplishment and in ( ) the resulting feeling / experience if one of them is missing:
Ingredient #1) You Get Results (i.e., no income / no satisfaction)
Ingredient #2) You Learn, Grow, and Develop (i.e., you get left behind)
Ingredient #3) You Have Fun (i.e., you burn out)
How many of us have been in a situation where we were getting results, we learned something new, but didn’t have any fun?
Or, maybe we know people who learn, grow and attempt to develop their butt off … but aren’t getting results. That could either be the business person not “increasing sales” or the monastery monk who isn’t engaging in modern-day life.
A second common mistake is to get these steps out of order. If you skip Step 1, “See your destination,” and go straight to step 2, “Start walking,” you’ll be a wanderer, a drifter on the ocean of life, sadly on your way to lying beneath a tombstone that says, “He Had Potential.”
Even more dangerous is to go from Step 1, “See your destination,” directly to Step 3, “Think ahead,” without ever doing Step 2, “Start walking.” These are the people who never get started. Analysis paralysis. Lots of anxiety and plans and meetings and revisions and studies and evaluation and research can make you think you’re getting somewhere when you’re not.
Gen. George S. Patton said it best, “A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” In other words, there is no perfect plan. Shut up and get started.
Visitors to Tuscan Hall will recall a beautiful stairway that leads into a wall, then does a 180 halfway up to finish in exactly the opposite direction. At the top of those stairs a magnificent catwalk runs the entire length of the building to a gallery of fine art overlooking the floor below.
This is the Journey of Life.
If you find yourself headed in the wrong direction, you can always correct your way.
But only if you know your destination.
To learn more about manifesting the life you want click HERE
How to Get Where You Want to Go
by Barry Goss
Here’s some incredibly useful, easy-to-implement-now guidance, from a true genius of the mind and super-achiever, Roy H Williams
It’s called the 7 Step Secret To Success and it has my commentary interspersed throughout the steps.
Enjoy its power…
STEP #1: See your destination in your mind.“When you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”–White Rabbit
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Roy’s first step is all about understanding what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it. Said another way, in two words, “visual intention“, which is the art and practice of emotionalizing the outcome or experience you desire ahead of time… through your 5 senses.
STEP #2: Start Walking.“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” –Lao Tzu (604 BC - 531 BC)
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Ever met a successful achiever who doesn’t connect with people, immerse him/herself into research, study, ask questions, explore areas of interests and engage life? Yeah, me neither. Enough said on this step.
STEP #3: Think Ahead As You Walk.“It’s like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” –E.L. Doctorow
[ Barry’s Comment ]: If you are just taking action toward something, and NOT thinking about it, planning it out, committing to it and believing it can be so, then you might as well be spinning in circles.
The Action Jacksons of the world make one very overlooked mistake: they put so much focus on doing something — anything — that they can’t find the quiet inner awareness to actually think about if what they originally wanted is what they still want… and why they want it.
STEP #4: Don’t Quit Walking.“Don’t wait. Where do you expect to get by waiting? Doing is what teaches you. Doing is what leads to inspiration. Doing is what generates ideas. Nothing else, and nothing less.” –Daniel Quinn
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Some people might interpret step #4 to be in contradiction with what I said about taking a breather above. But, not so. Preparation before action is essential and this is what gets you ready to take the effective (and right) actions that actually help you get what you want; however, it doesn’t mean to just STOP doing things.
What Roy is saying is Step #4 is essentially: keep on keeping on, bucko. Nobody ever would look at ya cross-eyed for not accomplishing your goal, task, or desire after only one walk (action). It’s all about persistence, and I once heard Terri Levine, one of our upcoming LWL Simulcast Teachers, tell some students this: “Failure is the path of least persistence.”
STEP #5: Make No Deadlines.“Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.” –Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BC - 184 BC)“I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.” –Margaret Thatcher, April 4, 1989
[ Barry’s Comment ]: What does this mean? How can you be a tried-and-true goal-setter, dream-achiever, and maestro of manifestation without some milestones to hit or some dates on the calendar to strive for?
Well, I still struggle with this one. Ya know, I gotta little miffed that LWL Coaching wasn’t ready on our March 18th target date then, after a few weeks beyond the due date, it dawned on me that going with the flow of our business, and being in harmony with serving our readers and listeners, is what really matters.
Sure, our Life Without Limits Coaching Program will be ready this year and, now that we’re in the flow with other projects, I’m 100% confident that other resources, people, and features will come along to help make it even more valuable. So, cheers to Roy for telling us to take it easy on ourselves every now and then.
STEP #6: Look back at the progress you made each day.“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning – the sixth day.” –Genesis 1:31
[ Barry’s Comment ]: A little reflective atta-girl or atta-boy self-talk does the soul good
In all seriousness, this is something that I’ll venture to guess 90% of the people reading this post do NOT do (I’m guilty too sometimes). It’s a key component to super-achiever’s results. Assess and reward yourself for a day’s effort. How could it be that you can ever know what tweaks and modifications you need to implement if you first don’t know how far down the road you’ve come? I know for a fact that self-made millionaire, Jill Koenig, talks to Heather about this in her interview.
STEP #7: If evening finds you at the same place you were this morning, take a step before you lay down. “The magic isn’t in the size of your actions, but in the relentlessness of them. It is better to burn the candle at both ends, and in the middle, too, than to put it away in the closet and let the mice eat it.” –Henry Van Dyke
Never let a day pass without making, at the very least, a tiny bit of progress. Do NOT tell yourself you’ll make up for it tomorrow. (That seductive lie is the kiss of death.) Make a phone call. Lick a stamp. Correct a misspelled word. Something. Anything.
You realize I’m talking about business, not hiking, right?
[ Barry’s Comment ]: Yes, why, yes we do, Roy… and we totally dig your enthusiasm, and cut-to-the-chase steps for success. They’re brilliant, and if there’s anything that I do get queasy over consistently, it’s this: not accomplishing accomplishment on a daily basis.
John Milton Fogg introduced the concept to me over 10 years ago, and it’s something that, to me, if we all strived to do, the world would be in a better place for the effort.
Here are the three ingredients that must be present to accomplish accomplishment and in ( ) the resulting feeling / experience if one of them is missing:
Ingredient #1) You Get Results (i.e., no income / no satisfaction)
Ingredient #2) You Learn, Grow, and Develop (i.e., you get left behind)
Ingredient #3) You Have Fun (i.e., you burn out)
How many of us have been in a situation where we were getting results, we learned something new, but didn’t have any fun?
Or, maybe we know people who learn, grow and attempt to develop their butt off … but aren’t getting results. That could either be the business person not “increasing sales” or the monastery monk who isn’t engaging in modern-day life.
A second common mistake is to get these steps out of order. If you skip Step 1, “See your destination,” and go straight to step 2, “Start walking,” you’ll be a wanderer, a drifter on the ocean of life, sadly on your way to lying beneath a tombstone that says, “He Had Potential.”
Even more dangerous is to go from Step 1, “See your destination,” directly to Step 3, “Think ahead,” without ever doing Step 2, “Start walking.” These are the people who never get started. Analysis paralysis. Lots of anxiety and plans and meetings and revisions and studies and evaluation and research can make you think you’re getting somewhere when you’re not.
Gen. George S. Patton said it best, “A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” In other words, there is no perfect plan. Shut up and get started.
Visitors to Tuscan Hall will recall a beautiful stairway that leads into a wall, then does a 180 halfway up to finish in exactly the opposite direction. At the top of those stairs a magnificent catwalk runs the entire length of the building to a gallery of fine art overlooking the floor below.
This is the Journey of Life.
If you find yourself headed in the wrong direction, you can always correct your way.
But only if you know your destination.
To learn more about manifesting the life you want click HERE
manifesting life,
visual intention,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Curoius George Factor-Fuel For Personal Manifesting
In my book, "The Manifesting Mindset", I listed and elaborated on 12 key manifesting principles & strategies.
Since then, I've gotten to know many mentors who privately teach others, practically 'behind closed doors', the personal art of deliberate attraction (also known as conscious creation).
Collectively, several of these manifesting coaches and mentors have helped me figuratively 'put my finger on' the pulse of a key element to manifesting - an element that you, like me, may have been unconsciously programmed to shy away from:
Curious, heartfelt QUESTIONS !
Remember the childhood book series about Curious George - the original 'monkey see, monkey do' chimp who always seemed to be getting into some form of trouble by being overly-curious. And, the man with the yellow hat getting him out of it?
You consciously saw George as a spunky, fun-loving, and inquisitive little primate. And, even though the way we learn about the world around us as a child parallels the way George learns some of life's lessons through his adventures, have you stopped to think what beliefs you NOW have about 'being too curious' or what 'mischief' may come out of asking too many questions?
Uhmmmmmm ... well, another detailed topic (maybe for a trained behavioral psychologist) for another time; however, I still bring up the point that you may in fact be SHOCKED to find out that your unconscious beliefs are running your life.
And, even more to the point, you might even be stupefied to find out just how, and when, you adopted some of these hidden, below-the-surface beliefs.
Anyway, like I said, something that can be discussed later. Or, if you like, immediately by logging in to our Online / Desktop Manifestation Portal.
But, for now, ask yourself this: "How do I feel when I get super-inquisitive about my own personal growth?" or "Do I have fun, and experience positive results, when I step out of my mental comfort zone to explore, discover and learn about life's most seemingly mysterious topics?"
On page 11 of "The Manifesting Mindset", I talk about how asking yourself the "right questions" can accelerate your life by helping you HAVE whatever it is you want.
The chapter is titled "Why Ask 'Why?'"
However, recently, I came across an old audio tape from inspirational speaker, Jerry Clark. He beautifully sums up the answer to my chapter title.
"Questions direct your thoughts and 'directed thoughts' are what we call FOCUS. Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions. Your actions direct your results. And your results direct your destiny. This means you can design and create your destiny by designing and directing your questions. I believe one of the biggest reasons people fail is because they ask themselves disempowering questions - questions that limit their effectiveness and their ability to become successful."
If you truly want to start tapping into and utilizing the hidden genie inside you, you absolutely - without question - must start BEING "clear" about what is it you want or what you feel you can do, be, or have for yourself.
I know somebody who has been wanting to take his home-business on the road for a long time (i.e., travel around, with his laptop, visiting places and people he knows); yet, he keeps making excuses saying he needs to stay close to his home office.
I know somebody who wants the experience of a meaningful, deeply-connected, intimate / romantic relationship; yet, she can't figure out what drives her to overwork herself as an executive in a highly-competitive, fast-moving industry.
In both examples, each person KNOWS their current activity - their mental comfort zone - is what keeps them from HAVING what it is they "say" they want.
Want a bonafide, almost-immediate, way to ensure what you want is actually congruent with what you're DOING?
It all starts with FEELINGS ... and the most powerful one-two combination of questions I've ever seen, for KNOWING that you're "clear" about your desire for something, are these:
Self-directed Manifesting Question #1): Does what I'm doing (name what that is) feel good to me ... and ... am I doing it to accomplish something or avoid something?
If your body screams "no, it doesn't feel good, right, or on target" or your intuition is telling you that you're doing something to avoid something else, just ask yourself: "Regarding, _____, what do I want to feel? What is it that I'm trying to avoid and why?"
However, if what you're currently doing (in any area of your life) feels good to you and you know you're doing it to accomplish something else (a stepping stone), proceed to ...
Self-directed Manifesting Question #2): When I have what I imagine - which I will since focused 'feel good' thoughts eventually become things - will I experience more everyday joy with my newly manifested desire?
Folks, the best personal adventures grow out of a little curiosity. Yes, just a little is all it takes. And, as you now know, when you're curious enough about yourself - why you do what you do or don't have what you say you want - empowering questions must come.
And, understand this simple FACT: you WILL - you must - receive the answers to any questions you ask because you have trillions and trillions of cells who are listening to you and are waiting to respond to your desires, wants, and dreams!
As Mr. Clark said above: "Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions."
If you really want to start being "clear" about what you're doing, start asking yourself the right questions - I promise the Curious George within will go to work for you to search, learn, and understand EXACTLY what it is you're after and what it'll take for you to get their faster and better than you've ever imagined.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Barry Goss is the author of The Manifesting Mindset – which can be downloaded for free HERE - and the co-Founder of ~ From asking the questions very few dare touch to being fascinated by the authors, coaches, healers, and spiritual guru's who do things in a seemingly 'magical way', Barry has dedicated his life to connecting with these the world's top manifesting mentors and sharing their secrets, techniques, and strategies with you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Since then, I've gotten to know many mentors who privately teach others, practically 'behind closed doors', the personal art of deliberate attraction (also known as conscious creation).
Collectively, several of these manifesting coaches and mentors have helped me figuratively 'put my finger on' the pulse of a key element to manifesting - an element that you, like me, may have been unconsciously programmed to shy away from:
Curious, heartfelt QUESTIONS !
Remember the childhood book series about Curious George - the original 'monkey see, monkey do' chimp who always seemed to be getting into some form of trouble by being overly-curious. And, the man with the yellow hat getting him out of it?
You consciously saw George as a spunky, fun-loving, and inquisitive little primate. And, even though the way we learn about the world around us as a child parallels the way George learns some of life's lessons through his adventures, have you stopped to think what beliefs you NOW have about 'being too curious' or what 'mischief' may come out of asking too many questions?
Uhmmmmmm ... well, another detailed topic (maybe for a trained behavioral psychologist) for another time; however, I still bring up the point that you may in fact be SHOCKED to find out that your unconscious beliefs are running your life.
And, even more to the point, you might even be stupefied to find out just how, and when, you adopted some of these hidden, below-the-surface beliefs.
Anyway, like I said, something that can be discussed later. Or, if you like, immediately by logging in to our Online / Desktop Manifestation Portal.
But, for now, ask yourself this: "How do I feel when I get super-inquisitive about my own personal growth?" or "Do I have fun, and experience positive results, when I step out of my mental comfort zone to explore, discover and learn about life's most seemingly mysterious topics?"
On page 11 of "The Manifesting Mindset", I talk about how asking yourself the "right questions" can accelerate your life by helping you HAVE whatever it is you want.
The chapter is titled "Why Ask 'Why?'"
However, recently, I came across an old audio tape from inspirational speaker, Jerry Clark. He beautifully sums up the answer to my chapter title.
"Questions direct your thoughts and 'directed thoughts' are what we call FOCUS. Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions. Your actions direct your results. And your results direct your destiny. This means you can design and create your destiny by designing and directing your questions. I believe one of the biggest reasons people fail is because they ask themselves disempowering questions - questions that limit their effectiveness and their ability to become successful."
If you truly want to start tapping into and utilizing the hidden genie inside you, you absolutely - without question - must start BEING "clear" about what is it you want or what you feel you can do, be, or have for yourself.
I know somebody who has been wanting to take his home-business on the road for a long time (i.e., travel around, with his laptop, visiting places and people he knows); yet, he keeps making excuses saying he needs to stay close to his home office.
I know somebody who wants the experience of a meaningful, deeply-connected, intimate / romantic relationship; yet, she can't figure out what drives her to overwork herself as an executive in a highly-competitive, fast-moving industry.
In both examples, each person KNOWS their current activity - their mental comfort zone - is what keeps them from HAVING what it is they "say" they want.
Want a bonafide, almost-immediate, way to ensure what you want is actually congruent with what you're DOING?
It all starts with FEELINGS ... and the most powerful one-two combination of questions I've ever seen, for KNOWING that you're "clear" about your desire for something, are these:
Self-directed Manifesting Question #1): Does what I'm doing (name what that is) feel good to me ... and ... am I doing it to accomplish something or avoid something?
If your body screams "no, it doesn't feel good, right, or on target" or your intuition is telling you that you're doing something to avoid something else, just ask yourself: "Regarding, _____, what do I want to feel? What is it that I'm trying to avoid and why?"
However, if what you're currently doing (in any area of your life) feels good to you and you know you're doing it to accomplish something else (a stepping stone), proceed to ...
Self-directed Manifesting Question #2): When I have what I imagine - which I will since focused 'feel good' thoughts eventually become things - will I experience more everyday joy with my newly manifested desire?
Folks, the best personal adventures grow out of a little curiosity. Yes, just a little is all it takes. And, as you now know, when you're curious enough about yourself - why you do what you do or don't have what you say you want - empowering questions must come.
And, understand this simple FACT: you WILL - you must - receive the answers to any questions you ask because you have trillions and trillions of cells who are listening to you and are waiting to respond to your desires, wants, and dreams!
As Mr. Clark said above: "Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions."
If you really want to start being "clear" about what you're doing, start asking yourself the right questions - I promise the Curious George within will go to work for you to search, learn, and understand EXACTLY what it is you're after and what it'll take for you to get their faster and better than you've ever imagined.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Barry Goss is the author of The Manifesting Mindset – which can be downloaded for free HERE - and the co-Founder of ~ From asking the questions very few dare touch to being fascinated by the authors, coaches, healers, and spiritual guru's who do things in a seemingly 'magical way', Barry has dedicated his life to connecting with these the world's top manifesting mentors and sharing their secrets, techniques, and strategies with you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Manifesting Naturally (Cont.)
Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps
Breathe out, expand The Universe. The Breath IS Life. Enjoy each moment naturally as you breathe in and out and know that you are the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and end. The equation of all possibilities in everything, everywhere. Responsibility is the key in expanding your truth that you are in fact the creator of your experience at any given moment. The amount of responsibility that you accept is the exact amount of creation ability that you utilize for your experience. To be completely responsible for your experience is to know that, without a doubt, the free will that is inherent in the human condition is unconditional. You are free to do anything, be anything, and believe anything in any way it pleases you. That is your birthright. And with that freedom goes the right to reap the ramifications of all actions, so that you will be able to experience the results of your choices. We have been taught by a society that has learned and in turn teaches the path of constriction. That is why you have chosen to create barriers that frustrate and infuriate you as a motivation for you to learn what it is that you are not: Limited. You have created barriers in your life to discover your true potential and to remove those barriers that stifle the very essence of that which you are: Limitless! The very fact that you are reading these words is a testament to your relentless pursuit of the beliefs you have consistently questioned and tested so that you may find your own truth. There is only one truth - your truth - and in knowing that you come to realize that you must allow all others to live their own truth. Shine by the example of living your own truth, not by trying to convince others of your truth. Once responsibility is realized to it fullest ramifications then the limits you have in creating the desire are completely up to your level of acceptance of what you can create. When you permit yourself the luxury of openly, unabashedly, fantasizing about what it is you truly yearn for, and dream of, you set into motion the energetic parameters for manifesting your heart's desire. Until you give free expression to the limitless vision you keep under wraps, you cannot, by definition, create it into your reality. When you operate your life from the mind-set of the unworthiness to have your heart's desire, when you dare not ask for what you truly want out of fear of disappointment, that disappointment is virtually guaranteed! You must know that you are already whole,; that you are in fact worthy of anything you desire. Would you on a hot day think of treating yourself to an ice-cream cone then go out and buy yourself an ice cream cone, then in fear of disappointment or lack of worthiness decide not to even taste it? Would you just let it melt away? Something that your heart desired, you paid for, only to in fact taste the disappointment that you were afraid of by not allowing yourself to taste the ice-cream? Robbing yourself from true experience. Do you see how it works? The moment you imagined what it would be like to have your desire, you have in essence already paid for it. You already expended the energy required to create it. The seed was planted, now nurture it, protect it, give it love, allow it to grow into your reality so that you may enjoy it. Never for one second allow yourself to believe that you don't deserve it or how it happens to manifest into your life.
Just know that's it's a natural occurrence. You do deserve it and you are worthy or you wouldn't have desired it in the first place. Sometimes depending on the clarity of your intent and how open you are, you may even receive something far better.
If you dare to envision yourself in circumstances where your deepest most heartfelt longings were manifested, without reservation and compromise, you might begin to experience the radical shift in the circumstances of your life that would provide you with the very evidence that you are looking for that you do indeed create your life. If you dared to risk letting go of your limitation-based thinking that keeps you anchored in the experience of disappointment in the areas that matters most to you, you might experience the shift from those patterns. Accept the full responsibility that you are in fact the creator of your experience. For just a moment toy with the thought and you will realize that manifesting your desires are as natural as breathing and you are responsible for all of it. Allow yourself to be your highest purpose; there is no need to struggle to attain your highest purpose you are already living it every moment whether your realize it or not. Breathe Naturally and Manifest Your Life, the Life you Deserve to Live, Yours!
Click HERE to learn more about manifesting the life you want.
Breathe out, expand The Universe. The Breath IS Life. Enjoy each moment naturally as you breathe in and out and know that you are the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and end. The equation of all possibilities in everything, everywhere. Responsibility is the key in expanding your truth that you are in fact the creator of your experience at any given moment. The amount of responsibility that you accept is the exact amount of creation ability that you utilize for your experience. To be completely responsible for your experience is to know that, without a doubt, the free will that is inherent in the human condition is unconditional. You are free to do anything, be anything, and believe anything in any way it pleases you. That is your birthright. And with that freedom goes the right to reap the ramifications of all actions, so that you will be able to experience the results of your choices. We have been taught by a society that has learned and in turn teaches the path of constriction. That is why you have chosen to create barriers that frustrate and infuriate you as a motivation for you to learn what it is that you are not: Limited. You have created barriers in your life to discover your true potential and to remove those barriers that stifle the very essence of that which you are: Limitless! The very fact that you are reading these words is a testament to your relentless pursuit of the beliefs you have consistently questioned and tested so that you may find your own truth. There is only one truth - your truth - and in knowing that you come to realize that you must allow all others to live their own truth. Shine by the example of living your own truth, not by trying to convince others of your truth. Once responsibility is realized to it fullest ramifications then the limits you have in creating the desire are completely up to your level of acceptance of what you can create. When you permit yourself the luxury of openly, unabashedly, fantasizing about what it is you truly yearn for, and dream of, you set into motion the energetic parameters for manifesting your heart's desire. Until you give free expression to the limitless vision you keep under wraps, you cannot, by definition, create it into your reality. When you operate your life from the mind-set of the unworthiness to have your heart's desire, when you dare not ask for what you truly want out of fear of disappointment, that disappointment is virtually guaranteed! You must know that you are already whole,; that you are in fact worthy of anything you desire. Would you on a hot day think of treating yourself to an ice-cream cone then go out and buy yourself an ice cream cone, then in fear of disappointment or lack of worthiness decide not to even taste it? Would you just let it melt away? Something that your heart desired, you paid for, only to in fact taste the disappointment that you were afraid of by not allowing yourself to taste the ice-cream? Robbing yourself from true experience. Do you see how it works? The moment you imagined what it would be like to have your desire, you have in essence already paid for it. You already expended the energy required to create it. The seed was planted, now nurture it, protect it, give it love, allow it to grow into your reality so that you may enjoy it. Never for one second allow yourself to believe that you don't deserve it or how it happens to manifest into your life.
Just know that's it's a natural occurrence. You do deserve it and you are worthy or you wouldn't have desired it in the first place. Sometimes depending on the clarity of your intent and how open you are, you may even receive something far better.
If you dare to envision yourself in circumstances where your deepest most heartfelt longings were manifested, without reservation and compromise, you might begin to experience the radical shift in the circumstances of your life that would provide you with the very evidence that you are looking for that you do indeed create your life. If you dared to risk letting go of your limitation-based thinking that keeps you anchored in the experience of disappointment in the areas that matters most to you, you might experience the shift from those patterns. Accept the full responsibility that you are in fact the creator of your experience. For just a moment toy with the thought and you will realize that manifesting your desires are as natural as breathing and you are responsible for all of it. Allow yourself to be your highest purpose; there is no need to struggle to attain your highest purpose you are already living it every moment whether your realize it or not. Breathe Naturally and Manifest Your Life, the Life you Deserve to Live, Yours!
Click HERE to learn more about manifesting the life you want.
free expression,
hearts desire,
Friday, February 29, 2008
Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps (Cont.)
Manifesting is not about proving to yourself that you are a creator. There is no need to prove something that you already are. Manifesting your desires is natural, as natural as breathing. Desire you breath out, Creation you breath in. Your first moment was enjoying your creation of embodiment, your first breath in. Intent is the focus of vibration or thought to create anything you want in Life. Intent is desire in pure form. 1. Focus your intent, breath out. 2. Creation, breathe in and enjoy your manifested desire. Example: your body desires oxygen, so you breath out to make room for the oxygen, Then you breath in, and your body enjoys the experience of the new oxygen and when it wants more new oxygen you simply breath out to make room for more expecting that again your desire will be fulfilled. If your body doubted for one second that there was a lack of oxygen would you breath what you have out? No.You hold your breath until you can get more. But eventually you are going to have to let go of what you have to get more, or you die. Breathing happens naturally. It is nothing you need to force or understand; it just simply is. Breathing happens whether you breathe in air or energy. It is natural. Transformation need not take years or digging for clues in the subconscious for past karma or blockages or unknown barriers. Set your intent to be that of what you desire, knowing that you have always been whole and complete! Remove from your mind the concept of linear earthly time. Be timeless and you will know that all is known and all is perfect. Breathe in, expand Your Universe. Breathe out, expand The Universe.
Click HERE for more info
To Be Continued.....
Click HERE for more info
To Be Continued.....
good life,
manifest your life,
manifesting life
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps
Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps
Manifesting your desires is a very natural process that can get very complicated very quickly if you force the process. Being attached to a certain outcome is one of the quickest roads to disappointment. You must be open to the possibility that there is a greater intelligence in you that will create circumstances to help you better learn how to use your power of manifestation and in getting clear with your intent. When one is focused upon material gain as an end in itself, the outcome is constricted by the foundation of fear upon which scarcity is based. When one is focused upon selfless service to the higher good of All Life, without fear for one's own well-being, the highest result is manifested for all. You do not need to be any less prosperous in making such a shift. For the key to sustaining the manifestation of abundance, under conditions where the idea of personal prosperity is irrelevant, is the subtle shift in where one chooses to focus one's intent. People who choose to dedicate their lives to humanity or through restoring the harmony of the environment are not required to choose poverty as a demonstration of that selflessness. Circumstances will manifest quite naturally that would ensure the physical comforts of those in question when one is aligned with one's own highest purpose. When you are living your highest purpose and experiencing life in all of it's wonders and abundance you automatically give others the confidence and permission to do the same, which is the greatest result for all. You are not here as a statement of separation from life, but as a materialized statement of unification with it.
Learn More HERE
To be continued.....
Manifesting your desires is a very natural process that can get very complicated very quickly if you force the process. Being attached to a certain outcome is one of the quickest roads to disappointment. You must be open to the possibility that there is a greater intelligence in you that will create circumstances to help you better learn how to use your power of manifestation and in getting clear with your intent. When one is focused upon material gain as an end in itself, the outcome is constricted by the foundation of fear upon which scarcity is based. When one is focused upon selfless service to the higher good of All Life, without fear for one's own well-being, the highest result is manifested for all. You do not need to be any less prosperous in making such a shift. For the key to sustaining the manifestation of abundance, under conditions where the idea of personal prosperity is irrelevant, is the subtle shift in where one chooses to focus one's intent. People who choose to dedicate their lives to humanity or through restoring the harmony of the environment are not required to choose poverty as a demonstration of that selflessness. Circumstances will manifest quite naturally that would ensure the physical comforts of those in question when one is aligned with one's own highest purpose. When you are living your highest purpose and experiencing life in all of it's wonders and abundance you automatically give others the confidence and permission to do the same, which is the greatest result for all. You are not here as a statement of separation from life, but as a materialized statement of unification with it.
Learn More HERE
To be continued.....
good life,
manifesting life,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Curious George Factor - The Fuel For Personal Manifesting
In my book, "The Manifesting Mindset", I listed and elaborated on 12 key manifesting principles & strategies.
Since then, I've gotten to know many mentors who privately teach others, practically 'behind closed doors', the personal art of deliberate attraction (also known as conscious creation).
Collectively, several of these manifesting coaches and mentors have helped me figuratively 'put my finger on' the pulse of a key element to manifesting - an element that you, like me, may have been unconsciously programmed to shy away from:
Curious, heartfelt QUESTIONS !
Remember the childhood book series about Curious George - the original 'monkey see, monkey do' chimp who always seemed to be getting into some form of trouble by being overly-curious. And, the man with the yellow hat getting him out of it?
You consciously saw George as a spunky, fun-loving, and inquisitive little primate. And, even though the way we learn about the world around us as a child parallels the way George learns some of life's lessons through his adventures, have you stopped to think what beliefs you NOW have about 'being too curious' or what 'mischief' may come out of asking too many questions?
Uhmmmmmm ... well, another detailed topic (maybe for a trained behavioral psychologist) for another time; however, I still bring up the point that you may in fact be SHOCKED to find out that your unconscious beliefs are running your life.
And, even more to the point, you might even be stupefied to find out just how, and when, you adopted some of these hidden, below-the-surface beliefs.
Anyway, like I said, something that can be discussed later. Or, if you like, immediately by logging in to our Online / Desktop Manifestation Portal.
But, for now, ask yourself this: "How do I feel when I get super-inquisitive about my own personal growth?" or "Do I have fun, and experience positive results, when I step out of my mental comfort zone to explore, discover and learn about life's most seemingly mysterious topics?"
On page 11 of "The Manifesting Mindset", I talk about how asking yourself the "right questions" can accelerate your life by helping you HAVE whatever it is you want.
The chapter is titled "Why Ask 'Why?'"
However, recently, I came across an old audio tape from inspirational speaker, Jerry Clark. He beautifully sums up the answer to my chapter title.
"Questions direct your thoughts and 'directed thoughts' are what we call FOCUS. Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions. Your actions direct your results. And your results direct your destiny. This means you can design and create your destiny by designing and directing your questions. I believe one of the biggest reasons people fail is because they ask themselves disempowering questions - questions that limit their effectiveness and their ability to become successful."
If you truly want to start tapping into and utilizing the hidden genie inside you, you absolutely - without question - must start BEING "clear" about what is it you want or what you feel you can do, be, or have for yourself.
I know somebody who has been wanting to take his home-business on the road for a long time (i.e., travel around, with his laptop, visiting places and people he knows); yet, he keeps making excuses saying he needs to stay close to his home office.
I know somebody who wants the experience of a meaningful, deeply-connected, intimate / romantic relationship; yet, she can't figure out what drives her to overwork herself as an executive in a highly-competitive, fast-moving industry.
In both examples, each person KNOWS their current activity - their mental comfort zone - is what keeps them from HAVING what it is they "say" they want.
Want a bonafide, almost-immediate, way to ensure what you want is actually congruent with what you're DOING?
It all starts with FEELINGS ... and the most powerful one-two combination of questions I've ever seen, for KNOWING that you're "clear" about your desire for something, are these:
Self-directed Manifesting Question #1): Does what I'm doing (name what that is) feel good to me ... and ... am I doing it to accomplish something or avoid something?
If your body screams "no, it doesn't feel good, right, or on target" or your intuition is telling you that you're doing something to avoid something else, just ask yourself: "Regarding, _____, what do I want to feel? What is it that I'm trying to avoid and why?"
However, if what you're currently doing (in any area of your life) feels good to you and you know you're doing it to accomplish something else (a stepping stone), proceed to ...
Self-directed Manifesting Question #2): When I have what I imagine - which I will since focused 'feel good' thoughts eventually become things - will I experience more everyday joy with my newly manifested desire?
Folks, the best personal adventures grow out of a little curiosity. Yes, just a little is all it takes. And, as you now know, when you're curious enough about yourself - why you do what you do or don't have what you say you want - empowering questions must come.
And, understand this simple FACT: you WILL - you must - receive the answers to any questions you ask because you have trillions and trillions of cells who are listening to you and are waiting to respond to your desires, wants, and dreams!
As Mr. Clark said above: "Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions."
If you really want to start being "clear" about what you're doing, start asking yourself the right questions - I promise the Curious George within will go to work for you to search, learn, and understand EXACTLY what it is you're after and what it'll take for you to get their faster and better than you've ever imagined.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Barry Goss is the author of The Manifesting Mindset – which can be downloaded for free HERE - and the co-Founder of ~ From asking the questions very few dare touch to being fascinated by the authors, coaches, healers, and spiritual guru's who do things in a seemingly 'magical way', Barry has dedicated his life to connecting with these the world's top manifesting mentors and sharing their secrets, techniques, and strategies with you.
Since then, I've gotten to know many mentors who privately teach others, practically 'behind closed doors', the personal art of deliberate attraction (also known as conscious creation).
Collectively, several of these manifesting coaches and mentors have helped me figuratively 'put my finger on' the pulse of a key element to manifesting - an element that you, like me, may have been unconsciously programmed to shy away from:
Curious, heartfelt QUESTIONS !
Remember the childhood book series about Curious George - the original 'monkey see, monkey do' chimp who always seemed to be getting into some form of trouble by being overly-curious. And, the man with the yellow hat getting him out of it?
You consciously saw George as a spunky, fun-loving, and inquisitive little primate. And, even though the way we learn about the world around us as a child parallels the way George learns some of life's lessons through his adventures, have you stopped to think what beliefs you NOW have about 'being too curious' or what 'mischief' may come out of asking too many questions?
Uhmmmmmm ... well, another detailed topic (maybe for a trained behavioral psychologist) for another time; however, I still bring up the point that you may in fact be SHOCKED to find out that your unconscious beliefs are running your life.
And, even more to the point, you might even be stupefied to find out just how, and when, you adopted some of these hidden, below-the-surface beliefs.
Anyway, like I said, something that can be discussed later. Or, if you like, immediately by logging in to our Online / Desktop Manifestation Portal.
But, for now, ask yourself this: "How do I feel when I get super-inquisitive about my own personal growth?" or "Do I have fun, and experience positive results, when I step out of my mental comfort zone to explore, discover and learn about life's most seemingly mysterious topics?"
On page 11 of "The Manifesting Mindset", I talk about how asking yourself the "right questions" can accelerate your life by helping you HAVE whatever it is you want.
The chapter is titled "Why Ask 'Why?'"
However, recently, I came across an old audio tape from inspirational speaker, Jerry Clark. He beautifully sums up the answer to my chapter title.
"Questions direct your thoughts and 'directed thoughts' are what we call FOCUS. Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions. Your actions direct your results. And your results direct your destiny. This means you can design and create your destiny by designing and directing your questions. I believe one of the biggest reasons people fail is because they ask themselves disempowering questions - questions that limit their effectiveness and their ability to become successful."
If you truly want to start tapping into and utilizing the hidden genie inside you, you absolutely - without question - must start BEING "clear" about what is it you want or what you feel you can do, be, or have for yourself.
I know somebody who has been wanting to take his home-business on the road for a long time (i.e., travel around, with his laptop, visiting places and people he knows); yet, he keeps making excuses saying he needs to stay close to his home office.
I know somebody who wants the experience of a meaningful, deeply-connected, intimate / romantic relationship; yet, she can't figure out what drives her to overwork herself as an executive in a highly-competitive, fast-moving industry.
In both examples, each person KNOWS their current activity - their mental comfort zone - is what keeps them from HAVING what it is they "say" they want.
Want a bonafide, almost-immediate, way to ensure what you want is actually congruent with what you're DOING?
It all starts with FEELINGS ... and the most powerful one-two combination of questions I've ever seen, for KNOWING that you're "clear" about your desire for something, are these:
Self-directed Manifesting Question #1): Does what I'm doing (name what that is) feel good to me ... and ... am I doing it to accomplish something or avoid something?
If your body screams "no, it doesn't feel good, right, or on target" or your intuition is telling you that you're doing something to avoid something else, just ask yourself: "Regarding, _____, what do I want to feel? What is it that I'm trying to avoid and why?"
However, if what you're currently doing (in any area of your life) feels good to you and you know you're doing it to accomplish something else (a stepping stone), proceed to ...
Self-directed Manifesting Question #2): When I have what I imagine - which I will since focused 'feel good' thoughts eventually become things - will I experience more everyday joy with my newly manifested desire?
Folks, the best personal adventures grow out of a little curiosity. Yes, just a little is all it takes. And, as you now know, when you're curious enough about yourself - why you do what you do or don't have what you say you want - empowering questions must come.
And, understand this simple FACT: you WILL - you must - receive the answers to any questions you ask because you have trillions and trillions of cells who are listening to you and are waiting to respond to your desires, wants, and dreams!
As Mr. Clark said above: "Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions."
If you really want to start being "clear" about what you're doing, start asking yourself the right questions - I promise the Curious George within will go to work for you to search, learn, and understand EXACTLY what it is you're after and what it'll take for you to get their faster and better than you've ever imagined.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Barry Goss is the author of The Manifesting Mindset – which can be downloaded for free HERE - and the co-Founder of ~ From asking the questions very few dare touch to being fascinated by the authors, coaches, healers, and spiritual guru's who do things in a seemingly 'magical way', Barry has dedicated his life to connecting with these the world's top manifesting mentors and sharing their secrets, techniques, and strategies with you.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Think BIG - Dream BIGGER
Think BIG - Dream BIGGER to Manifest Your LifeThere is the story of the kindergarten teacher who asks a child what she is drawing. "I'm drawing a picture of God," the child replies. "But, sweetheart," says the teacher, "no one knows what God looks like." They will in a minute!" says the child. Now, that is a perfect example of Thinking BIG !! Big Thinkers possess this childlike faith. Not a childish faith that lacks maturity and understanding, but an attitude of deep faith in themselves. If you are a big thinker, you have an inner voice that asks "why not" and "what if" and you're in tune with your own skills, talents, and abilities to SEE the unseen or create the uncreatable. Here's another example of a Big Thinker: The Italian sculptor Agostino d'Antonio worked diligently on a large piece of marble. Unable to produce his desired masterpiece, he lamented, "I can do nothing with it." Other sculptors also worked this difficult piece of marble, but to no avail. Michelangelo discovered the stone and visualized the possibilities in it. His "I-can-make-it-happen" attitude resulted in one of the world's masterpieces - the statue of David. Yes, sometimes, all it takes is to have unstoppable belief and high-faith in your own creative talents to turn your imagination into reality. But, if thinking big is all it takes, by now, wouldn't we already have a world full of people steadfastly achieving their goals and bringing major accomplishments into their life? Let's look at an example of a Big Dreamer first; then maybe I can shed some more light on the question above. There is the story of Ray Kinsella (played by Kevin Costner) who hears an ethereal message ("If you build it, they / He will come") that inspires him to construct a baseball diamond in the middle of his Iowa cornfield - with the promise that the ghosts of famous baseball players will inhabit it for games at night. Ray heard his inner voice (let's just say his connection to source or his higher-self), believed in the possibilities (however far beyond obvious), talked about it with intention, clarity, and passion. He took action on his inner promptings, regardless of how nonsensical they seemed at the time. One of the manifesting mentors I interviewed basically told me everything in the world is suggestion - just one step away from a dream. Life is indeed a dream and the producers of Field of Dreams make this point during a scene where Ray's father (John) asked: "Is this heaven?" Ray Kinsella: No - it's Iowa.John: I could have sworn it was heaven. Ray: Is there a heaven? John: Oh, yeah. It's the place where dreams come true. (Ray looks around, seeing his wife playing with their daughter on the porch.) Ray: Maybe this is heaven. Yes, Big Dreamers - just like Big Thinkers - find it easy to believe that all things are possible, and that life can be as passionate, pure and invigorating as fresh-cut outfield grass. However, oftentimes, this is where to two similarities end. For instance, to me, the movie Field of Dreams isn't so much a story of a possibility-thinking farmer, searching for boyish excitement in his life, as much as it is a story about TRUST and the power of VISION mixed into the manifesting process. A bonafide Big Dreamer is somebody who is what I like to call a Vivid Visionary. Just like Ray, they have a personally compelling belief in the "inner voice" that prompts them along to take the little steps that eventually lead to bigger steps, unleashing the power of manifestation in their life. And that power basically says: whatever it is you think constantly about, feel good about when talking about it, or become immersed in with unwavering emotion and focus, will become evident for you - not only to your own senses but to those around you who were involved while you took that first small step. Sure, we all know the movie was fiction - a fantasy film, based on W. P. Kinsella's 1982 novel "Shoeless Joe" - however, when you watch the progression of Kevin Costner's character (Ray), from the first few dismissals' of his inner voice to his KNOWING that he was personally responsible for turning his vision into reality, you get to see a Vivid Visionary in the making. My friend Dr. Michael Norwood, defines vision like this: "A Vision has many components. It may start off as a goal, a mission or even a dream. However, whereas the goal, mission and dream describe something one accomplishes, a Vision is something one becomes." The question was once asked of a highly successful businessman: "How have you done so much in your lifetime?" He replied, "I have dreamed. I have turned my mind loose to imagine what I wanted to do. Then I have gone to bed and thought about my dreams. In the night I dreamt about my dreams and turned then into my Vision. And when I awoke in the morning, I envisioned my day - I knew what action that I needed to employ to help me pull in the resources and people to support my Vision and make it a reality." Personal Accountability Check - How many of you reading this truly spend at least 15-minutes a night imagining what you want in your mind, energizing it with feeling (i.e., putting yourself in the picture versus looking at the picture screen from the auditorium), and then affirming it mentally when you wake up? Come on - be honest ! One of the Manifesting Mentors I interviewed told me emphatically: "Just 15 minutes of creative visualization a day can change you life in unimaginable ways. It's just that most people don't believe in their own imagination".Read that twice. Three times, if you want to. There's incredible wisdom and stinging truth in that statement. More so than just personal confidence, big picture thinking, or being an idea-driven person, being a Big Dreamer is all about taking your wants to sleep, thinking constantly about them, talking about them, planning them with focus, and adding all the spices to your dreams that will give you the realization of actually manifesting your dreams - bigger, better, and faster than ever. The ability to image, and the ability to expect what we dream about to come true, are two of the finest qualities of being a human being. Together, with belief in our own reality-creating power, we can truly be a Vivid Visionary. As Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., said: "We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers." So, dream on - but, add some ACTION (without it, you're just a Big Thinker), sprinkle in some FOCUS (think about your dreams / desires enough to bring them into consistent awareness), and top them off with TRUST (that you will, without question, always get exactly what you ask for). You truly are the one who STARTS it all - from day dream, to night dream, to living out your dream - regardless of how outside of you it may SEEM! I'll leave you with one final quote / scene from Field of Dreams. [ On wondering who the voice was - telling him "If You Build It, He / They Will Come" ] Ray Kinsella: What are you grinning at, you ghost? Shoeless Joe: "If you build it -" (gestures toward catcher, who is Ray's father, John Kinsella) "- he will come." Ray : It was you? Shoeless Joe: No, Ray. It was you.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Barry Goss is the author of The Manifesting Mindset – which can be downloaded for free HERE - and the co-Founder of ~ From asking the questions very few dare touch to being fascinated by the authors, coaches, healers, and spiritual guru's who do things in a seemingly 'magical way', Barry has dedicated his life to connecting with these the world's top manifesting mentors and sharing their secrets, techniques, and strategies with you.----------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Barry Goss is the author of The Manifesting Mindset – which can be downloaded for free HERE - and the co-Founder of ~ From asking the questions very few dare touch to being fascinated by the authors, coaches, healers, and spiritual guru's who do things in a seemingly 'magical way', Barry has dedicated his life to connecting with these the world's top manifesting mentors and sharing their secrets, techniques, and strategies with you.----------------------------------------------------------------------
manifest your life,
manifesting life
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