By Anne Shipley
An affirmation is NOT a desire or a wanting of things that will happen one day in the future. An affirmation is a statement of knowing and allowing.
When we make an affirmation it is a statement of things that are. I am, I have, I intend. There is no doubt in these statements. You are not leaving room anywhere for any uncertainty or any negative thoughts.
The universe is abundant in all things. Everything that ever was, is now and ever shall be. You are not making a request for anything you do not have already. You are simply recognizing the truth that it is here for you to take. Know this and Claim it! Know that you are deserving and it is your right as a part of the Universe to have what was meant for you to have.
God doesn't do anything to us that we do not choose for ourselves. This is our free will. Choose all you desire knowing that the Universe gives it freely.
Your affirmations are your beginning. Start by using affirmations that will assist you in changing your thoughts. For example; "I am worthy of all my desires." " I have the power and strength to do anything." " It is my right to have joy and peace." "I accept I am the creator of my reality."
Feel the feelings that exist with knowing these things. Act as if you are truly all powerful as a part of the Universal energy.
These affirmations thought often enough, will change your beliefs and thus create for you a new reality.
Allowing is the ability to not sabotage our affirmations by negative thinking or by thinking there is much we need to do to make our desires happen. In order to recognize our negative thoughts we must be conscious of our thoughts. If our desire is to be thinner, but we look in the mirror and think, "Look how fat I am." This is sabotaging your desires. See yourself feeling healthier, more energetic and thinner. It is not the Universe that denies us, but our own will (thinking) that inhibits our reality to change. Our own insane thoughts that believe we are not worthy or good enough.
You are a part of the Universe and Universal energy, which responds to Universal Laws. Therefore, if you expend your thoughts in negative thinking such as, "There isn't enough, I'll always have to struggle, I can't change, the world is going to get worse...." this is what you will create in your reality.
Allow means to let it happen. There is nothing that you need to do (except change your thoughts).
You do not have to busy yourself with all kinds of data, resources, invest lots of money or join a group.
The Universe will create situations in your life that bring you what you desire. So, just be open to new opportunities, but don't exhaust yourself trying to make something happen. This may include a new investment or group, but don't force things to happen. Know that they will and when they do you will feel happy and excited, but not afraid or in doubt. Remember that it is not you (ego mind) that is going to create. It is your spirit, your higher self that creates. There is no thing you have to do.
I know this can be difficult because we are trained early on that we have to work hard to get what we want, but trust in the Universe and stop sabotaging your life with your own thoughts that you can create on your own.
As you think so you create your world and thus perceive it. Your thoughts can be changed. You are the creator of your thoughts. As you think on anything you are sending it your energy. If you think things are getting worse, they will for you.
Enhance your affirmations by seeing yourself as the spiritual being you are and recognize that as a part of this Universe you have a right to your desires, claim them and then give thanks for them. The Universe will accommodate you. If you think you will succeed in all you do, you will.
Practice writing your affirmations 3 times every day for 60 days.
Anne Shipley, Life Coach I am a lover of life, grateful for each opportunity to learn and gain wisdom through interactions with my great companions and seekers. Article Source: