August 26, Holistic Wellness Examiner
by Alice Landry
True wisdom is holistically integrated knowledge that has the potential to increase personal power as well as inspire others to use their power for good.
Transforming wisdom into personal and global power includes conscious and purposeful efforts to evolve and contribute meaningfully to the world community.
Those who are self-aware, have an interest in personal growth and development, and desire to be of service to society can use their life experiences and challenges as examples to assist others on their paths.
Wisdom can become power through the following means:
• When your personal strength comes from a source of good and love, not when the intention is abuse of power.
• When you make self-improvements daily.
• When you discover your soul's general and specific life purpose.
• When you help others without expecting anything in return.
• When you express gratitude for all that you already have.
• When you work with synchronicity and the universe to attract and manifest your goals.
• When you stay in the present moment and choose wise thoughts, feelings, and actions.
• When you consistently make healthy decisions.
• When you can appreciate the blessings in disguise and focus on the positive.
• When you continue on your personal quest despite challenges.
• When you can admit when you are wrong and not repeat self-destructive patterns.
• When you realize that you are responsible for the life you create and release a sense of victimhood.
• When you allow a healthy conscience to be your guide.
• When you learn to work smarter not harder.
• When you can combine rational thinking and intuitive wisdom into major life decisions.
• When you can detach from drama and remain calm and compassionate.
• When your mind, body, heart, and soul are balanced and aligned with good.
• When you embrace your individuality and express yourself through creativity and originality.
• When you continue to be a student in this universe/university.
• When you accept that change is the only constant and choose to evolve consciously.
• When you have respect and love for yourself and others.
• When you use what you've learned to educate, enlighten, and present opportunities for growth and development for others.
• When you feel fulfilled and satisfied with who you are and the person you've become.
Maintaining your inner power and transferring that feeling to the world can be refreshing and exciting as you increase self-awareness, network with others on a purposeful journey, and create boundaries for those who drain your energy.
Changing your knowledge into wisdom and your wisdom into power is beneficial and self-empowering. It can indicate a healthy sense of personal worth, confidence, and esteem.
When you are living holistically well and empowered, the experiences and people you attract into your life will also reflect that higher vibration.
Affirmations: I use my personal knowledge to gain wisdom. I change my thoughts, feelings, and actions into what reflects my highest good. My wisdom becomes power when I consistently and consciously evolve and by being of service to others. I use my power for good!
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