Monday, February 22, 2010

Stop Crossing Bridges

By D. Paul Reilly:

I can imagine many people being somewhat puzzled by the title of today's article 'Stop crossing bridges'. Some may be saying to themselves right now, what is Reilly alluding to here today when he tells us to 'Stop Crossing Bridges'. Surely the only way to get to the other side is by crossing the bridge? Well that's true, that is of course if you're actually at the bridge. I'm sure we've all heard that well known saying "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it"....perhaps now you're beginning to get the gist of what I'm really writing about here today.

So many people start to mentally torture themselves day in and day out, by mentally contemplating, thinking about all of the things which could go wrong, as they commence an important project. Now, whilst it's most prudent to be proactive and thus always have a 'Plan B' ready and in place, so to speak, to deal with any eventuality; if we constantly insist on dwelling on everything wrong that may happen in the future, we will cloud our consciousness with negativity....this is obviously not good.

We should never lose sight of a most important Universal Law, namely The Law of Attraction. This Universal Law states quite simply, that 'We ATTRACT towards us people, circumstances, and events in accordance with our THINKING'. So, we have to be extremely careful at all times of exactly what we're thinking about. So, stop thinking about what may go wrong, 'Stop Crossing Bridges' which only exist in your imagination.

Yes indeed, the thoughts conveyed by the saying "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" are indeed very wise sentiments to consider. We MUST stop putting up 'Mental Blocks' on the road to success, which will quite definitely impede our forward motion toward our cherished dreams. We MUST stop crossing imaginary bridges, which don't in reality exist right now, they're just a figment of our very active imagination.

Yes we are proactive, we formulate solutions to future problems we may encounter, in our mind. But then we forget about it, become totally positive in outlook, and forge steadily forward in the direction of our dreams, whilst we take care to only entertain in our fertile mind, Totally Positive Thoughts and Concepts of our Future Success. This is the only way to a bright future. Yes indeed it most certainly is! So, in conclusion, stop crossing bridges until you actually come to them.

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